Thursday, April 01, 2010


How Busy Moms Can Find Time to Exercise

By Mireille T Ryan

Do you always try to exercise but everything just gets in the way? Whether we are caring for a newborn, chasing after toddlers, driving kids to school or rushing to work, there is always something that is taking our time.

I sometimes feel like there is a vortex that is sucking my time away and the older I get, the quicker time goes.

In a Melpomene study, a large number of women found that they exercised less and less after their baby was born. They found one of the main reasons was that they were unable to find babysitting.

With more and more women also working outside the home and having to juggle kids with housework and their careers, you can see why exercise gets pushed down the list. Not to mention the tiredness women feel after these busy days.

So how can you find time to exercise?

* First you have to make time - Work out where you time goes each day and then schedule time to exercise, even if it is only for 15-30 mins.

* Do something you enjoy - if you don't enjoy running on a treadmill, then it will be easy to push it down the list of priorities. Play a team sport, start rock climbing or go for a hike with your family.

* Exercise with the kids - If it is hard to get babysitting, exercise with your kids. Go to our "Involving the kids" section for some great kids games. If they are little, wait to you put them down for a sleep and then follow one of our workouts - they are quick and effective.

* Do it with a friend - If you like catching up with friends, why not combine exercise with a chat. Go for a walk along the beach, ride a bike or go for a swim. It is amazing how much more fun exercise can be with a friend.

It only takes 30 minutes a day to make real changes to your health and fitness. If you are determined, you will make the time.

Mireille Ryan is the co-founder of The Busy Mums Fitness Club, an online membership site for mums. She is a Fitness Expert, Author, Radio Personality,Certified Personal Trainer and the owner of Health Guru International P/L, which runs boot camps for women. As a mother of 3 young children, Mireille knows how hard it is to get back in shape after having kids and how difficult it is to find time to take care of yourself. Most importantly, she knows what works.


For more on Busy Moms Exercise, see

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