Saturday, July 22, 2006


Selection of Fitness Articles

  1. Choosing Your Fitness Equipment by Andy Green

  2. Fitness equipment is a large group of tools that are used in exercise and are referred to also as exercise equipment. These can include simple items such as balls, track shoes and skipping ropes as well as more complex pieces of equipment such as treadmills, weights, bicycles and many others.
  3. The Effects Of Exercise On Body Temperature by Kenneth Snodin

  4. If you are having trouble sleeping, and you don’t already have a regular exercise program, you should start one if you want to sleep better. Exercise is beneficial to sleep in several ways. For example, exercise raises the body temperature rhythm and allows your body temperatures to ‘peak’ at a higher level. This, in turn, increases your energy level during the day, so you’ll feel more motivated and alive.
  5. What Kind of Abdominal Exercises are Right for You? by Andy Green

  6. When you are trying to choose the abdominal exercises that you should focus on you need to take into consideration what you are doing the abdominal exercises for. If you are doing these abdominal exercises in order to get rid of some of the extra pudge you have put on over the holidays then you will want to focus on abdominal exercises that will focus in on certain spots on the tummy.
  7. Why Should I Exercise?! by Andy Green

  8. For some, exercise is a passion. For others, it seems to be a four-lettered word, or in this case an eight-letter word. But, it doesn’t have to be a dreaded event. Exercise can be fun. It can mean more than running for hours on the treadmill or climbing the stair master until your legs feel like Jell-O. You can get in shape by doing things that you love to do.
  9. Finding The Right Personal Trainer by James C

  10. Personal trainers can give you the guidance and motivation that you need to get into shape. This article will tell you how to find the right personal trainer for you.
  11. Walking - The Greatest Exercise Ever by Simon Volk

  12. From the day we are born our parents look forward to our first steps. There is a reason we don't usually take those first steps until 9 - 10 months. During that time we are building the muscle and stamina to get the job done. It is this same simple action, walking, that should be the cornerstone in your fitness routine.
  13. Fitness is Cool, Fat is Not by Chris Callegari

  14. Chris explains how "cool" it is to become physically fit. No matter what shape you are in, you too can become "cool." All you need is a little discipline, with a dash of consistency and assertiveness, and you are on your way!
  15. You're Either Getting Better... or Worse by Chris Callegari

  16. In this article, Chris explains that you are always increasing or decreasing your health and fitness levels. It is in your best interest to take the necessary actions to ensure that you are always "getting better," no matter how big or small the gains are. Let Chris show you the way to success!
  17. How Anyone Can Train for a Walking Marathon by Jacob Mabille

  18. A marathon sounds intimidating, but that only makes the possibility of completing one all the more attractive, and impressive. You don't have to be an athlete to train for, and complete, a marathon.
  19. Trampoline Safety For Kids by Carl Walker

  20. Trampolines are safe for recreational use if proper adult supervision is present, and adherence to strict safety rules is maintained - this is the opinion of most trampoline manufacturers and supporters.
  21. Exercises For Bum Cellulite by Laurel Tevolitz

  22. Almost every woman is plagued with cellulite, but what exercises to eliminate cellulite work? Exercises for bum cellulite are slightly different than performing an exercise routine in general. Find more information here!
  23. Fitness Over 40 by Andrew Bicknell

  24. Having a good fitness level when you are over 40 can add years to your life. Not to mention how much better you'll feel with your health and how you look.
  25. The Importance of Setting a Goal by Diana Chaloux

  26. So you've said it a million times... "I want to lose weight." But it just hasn't happened yet! Why? You ask. The answer lies only within you, it's just a matter of doing a little bit of digging and figuring out what is holding you back. Let's get started.
  27. Something Every Asthma Sufferer Needs to Know about Exercise by Barry McDonald

  28. If you suffer from asthma, you probably think that you can't exercise properly or safely. Contrary to what many think of this subject, there are ways that you can get in shape and exercise, even if you suffer from asthma.
  29. Recovery from Exercise: Looking at what's Best by Yuri Elkaim

  30. The human body operates most efficiently when it is in balance, or has achieved a state known as homeostasis. As such, optimal recovery means that all body systems have returned to the state they were in before exercise (homeostasis). However, for most avid exercisers, recovery is a limiting factor. The better you can recover, the sooner and better you can train
  31. Ab Exercises - Do You Want a Six Pack? by John Gibb
  32. Fuel Usage During Exercise by Yuri Elkaim
  33. Circuit Training: The Benefits are Endless by Yuri Elkaim
  34. Online Training - The New Personal Fitness Trainer by Lena Davis
  35. Big Fat Butt Blues - Three Top Body Shaping Remedies by Robin Derry
  36. Physical Fitness Improves Brain Health by Simon Evans
  37. Flexibility: An Important Component in Your Fitness Regimen by Bryan S. Bentz
  38. Quick but Effective Workout Exercises by Jack Stew
  39. Would Smoking and Drinking Affect My Gym Training? by Josh Stone
  40. Typical Excuses We Make to Avoid Exercise by Josh Stone
  41. What Was Your Turning Point? by Josh Stone
  42. Music To Fuel Your Workouts by Josh Stone
  43. Why Is It Important to Stretch Before Your Workout? by Josh Stone
  44. Wiping Off Your Sweat From a Workout by Josh Stone
  45. Keeping To Your Workout Rep Range by Josh Stone

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